How to enable SQL Server database for publication
SQL Server Replication
I have configured the distributor and then trying to create a publication on the publication server using sp_addpublication
stored procedures with respective parameters. I have got the below error message.
Error message:
Msg 14013, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSrepl_addpublication, Line 178 [Batch Start Line 3] This database is not enabled for publication.
Using SSMS:
- Right click on the replication folder in object explorer and open publisher properties.
- Select "Publication Databases" and then enable transactional or/and merge replication according to your requirement. Then click OK.
Using T-SQL:
use your_publication_db_name;
exec sp_replicationdboption @dbname = 'your_publication_db_name',
@optname = 'publish',
@value = 'true'
Related post:
Let me know in comments if this solves your issue or not.